World Championship
An update on Clash of Clans World Championship 2024

Hi Chief,
We’re here with a different kind of update today.
As you know, fair play is fundamental to everything we do here at Supercell and is particularly important when it comes to our esport programmes. That’s why we automatically carry out extensive checks on all accounts who qualify for our competitions and disqualify them and their teams if we find evidence of breaches of our Terms of Service.
We also investigate further if credible reports of cheating or other ToS breaches are brought to our attention. Credible reports of players using multiple accounts to breach our ToS, while keeping their qualified account “clean”, is what led to us recently disqualifying two players and their teams from the 2024 Clash of Clans World Championship.
We then decided proactively to look at every player who had qualified for a Monthly Final this year to see if any of them had been breaching our ToS in the same way. Unfortunately, this investigation found a very significant number of breaches from many different players and teams.
This presented us with a very difficult decision to make, as disqualifying every player and team in breach would likely make it impossible to continue with this year’s World Championship final.
We have therefore decided to rescind the two previous disqualifications and give every player and team in breach an official, final warning. If there are any future breaches of this kind, then the player and their team will not only be disqualified from the relevant competition, but also given a lengthy ban from all competitions.
This means that:
● VM Legacy have been reinstated as Golden Ticket winners, and
● NAVI and HTM Esports have been reinstated as Silver Tickets winners.
● HTM Esports can compete in the upcoming Monthly Qualifier.
We have been directly communicating this to the affected teams. We know this is not a perfect solution, but this will enable us to host Clash Worlds 2024 with teams being treated equally.
We are committed to ensuring integrity and fair play to maintain an exciting gaming environment for all players.
Clash ON (in line with our rules and Terms of Service)!